- Physical abuse by people who dislike cats and inflict horrible suffering on helpless kittens
- Toxic chemical spraying (weedkillers, insecticides, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides) responsible for debilitating illnesses and slow, agonizing deaths
- Unpredictability of dogs running free – chasing, injuring and killing cats especially late at night
- Attacks and killing by wildlife (coyotes and raccoons)
- Commercial Trappers trapping cats and kittens and ILLEGALLY dumping them in the wildlife nature areas, preserves, and parks.
- Fast cars, faster motorcycles, and even trains
- Broken glass/rusted sharp metal and BBQ tinfoil
- Chemicals/Poisons in industrial areas in every outdoor water source
- Pregnant/lactating Mother’s cats forced to utilize the same dark and dirty birthing locations due to lack of options (choices are scarce) – dark, dirt spaces harbor deadly distemper virus
- Territorial fighting to claim and hold meager living space throughout their entire lifetime resulting in multitudes of injuries/infections

Compassionate Caretakers are the foot soldiers of our ‘TNVR’ (Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return) Palm Beach County ordained program promoted to REDUCE outdoor cat populations.
The humane treatment of existing ‘Community Cat’ populations is always a primary goal. The daily dangers and abuses that these innocent cats and kittens suffer are the driving forces that keep our volunteer caretakers and trappers sacrificing tirelessly.
As a Community, we ALL must work together to help these innocent kittens and cats and STOP THE OVERPOPULATION using the only proven successful methodology – ‘TNVR’!
Contact us to find out how you can do your part to help – even small efforts multiplied by thousands can make a phenomenal difference!

In our city, there is an overwhelming number of abandoned pet cats, including lactating mothers with kittens that people are illegally dumping. Another danger is people that adopt cats on a daily basis and then realize that it’s a big commitment and decide to abandon them in parking lots, other neighborhoods, shopping centers, trash cans or recycling bins, on main roads like I-95, Federal Highway, in nature preserves, in the Everglades, or leave them outside. Cats are also physically abused by their owners and dumped afterward. We find them with broken legs and hips, and serious wounds.
The Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control Ordinance 98-22 is very clear, it is illegal for commercial trappers or residents to trap a cat for any purpose other than the Palm Beach County ordained trap, neuter, vaccinate, and return (‘TNVR’) program. Return means to the original location where the cat was trapped and not to any other place. Dumping them and abandoning them to a different location is a criminal offense.

There is so much cruelty towards black cats during the month of October because they are depicted as evil, that many shelters and humane societies refuse to allow adoption of black cats during the month of October. We find that people torture and burn black cats. People adopt black cats and use them as costume accessories, then returning them to the shelters or dumping them.
Another tremendous problem is the toxic chemicals that are being sprayed in all areas where Community Cats live, such as neighborhood yards, parks, playgrounds, golf courses, and streets medians. These chemicals are so poisonous that they can create autoimmune disorders, acute and chronic respiratory failure, blindness, chemical dermatitis and a variety of allergic illnesses. These chemicals also adversely affect all species of wildlife such as raccoons, fox, lizards, bees, snakes, spotted skunks, and all bird populations.

When cats are not neutered or spayed they can start reproducing at 4 months old and with a pregnancy lasting from 58 to 67 days they can give birth at 6 months old. Like humans, a female cat can get pregnant again after giving birth. That means that when a female Community Cat is not sterilized, she can go into heat every 2 to 3 weeks from the spring through the early fall, making her ready to reproduce and she can have 2 to 3 litters per year. Each litter can have 1 to 8 kittens, and just like humans, a mother cat needs more vitamins and food when pregnant which they do not get when trying to survive in the streets. A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 cats in just 7 years. Therefore, a community that does not participate in the trap, neuter, vaccinate, and return program (‘TNVR’) will have a serious problem with Community Cats in a matter of one year.
Abandoned cats and kittens are severely traumatized and terrified and they will not survive long on the streets and eventually die of starvation, poisoning, severe injuries, extreme illnesses. Tragically, on a daily basis, ‘CCCBR’ volunteers find kittens and cats hit by cars on the roads. Established Community Cat Colonies throughout our city are territorial and will fight to keep out any desperate, abandoned new arrivals looking for food source or shelter.

Please join us in our local efforts here in Boca Raton to carry our efforts to carry out the county program “Countdown to Zero” so we can save the lives of all adoptable cats and provide the right care to Community Cats. ‘CCCBR’ maintains on a daily basis the current population by feeding, providing clean water and providing medical care as needed to hundreds of free-roaming cats in our community.